A little bit about us

Sue Parker

Sue Sue founded The Wise Bird Company after almost forty years in childcare, working with children from all walks of life and in a wide variety of settings. During this successful career, Sue held many positions, including nursing, training, auditing and senior posts in management and then area management within two large, successful companies. Both of the nurseries Sue managed were awarded OFSTED 'Outstanding' status and those that cme under her area management were deemed to be 'Good' or 'Outstanding.'

Whilst supporting a large number of day nurseries, it became evident that although there were many skilled workers providing a high level of care within well-equipped settings, there was a great need for continued replenishment of provision to support the different environments and build on children's changing interests. It also became apparent that there were minimal resources expressly designed to give the less knowledgeable staff clear indicators on how to use the provision effectively in the support of young children's learning/development.

Sue, inspired by children's curiosity and their desire to discover/explore, has built on this starting block to produce creative, unique resources that underpin learning in all areas of the EYFS. Recognising the significant and increasing demands on a Manager's time and the continued pressures on staff teams, Sue used her broad childcare experience alongside understanding/valuing the needs of practitioners, to compile resource packs, soft furnishings and provisions that immediately address and remedy weaker areas within the learning environments. To ensure effective use of the provision, there are also some written support tips for staff.

Sue operates from an appointed visit, bringing with her a variety of resources. She will also consider creating bespoke items for settings and is willing to look at the local environment, offering advice and training if needed.